November 2019

Johnsons is pleased to announce the successful sale of a private, mid-sized Australian business to a strategic trade buyer. After facilitating a comprehensive, end-to-end sales and negotiations process, our client – Empowered Learning – has been acquired by Modern Star for an undisclosed amount. NSW-based Empowered Learning is a long-standing and market leading provider of interactive audiovisual technologies to the education sector. The Sydney head-quartered acquirer, Modern Star, is a multinational supplier of educational resources to early childhood services, primary schools, and before and after school care programs.
The team at Johnsons were pleased to act as lead advisors to Empowered Learning’s director and would like to extend our congratulations to both the vendor and the purchaser.
In 2019, having positioned the Business for continued growth in Australia’s education sector, Empowered Learnings owner decided to exit by way of sale to a third party, seeking new owners with the scale & capabilities to continue growing the business at a national level. After engaging our services, Johnsons Corporate secured Offer & Acceptance for the Business on his behalf within 8 weeks of going to market.
Regarding the sales process, Empowered’s director commented: “In the end, we did the deal within about 6 months of going-to-market. We were very pleased with the outcome in relation to both price and deal terms secured.”