January 2022

Johnsons is pleased to announce the successful sale of a private, mid-sized Australian business to an international trade buyer. After facilitating a comprehensive, end-to-end sales and negotiations process, our client – ITS Integrated Technical Software – has been acquired by StruSoft for an undisclosed amount. Based in Geelong, ITS is the company behind SPACEGASS, a leading Australian structural engineering application. Sweden headquartered StruSoft AB, in turn, markets highly specialised software for structural analysis & design to customers around the world.
The team at Johnsons were pleased to act as lead advisors to ITS’s director and would like to extend our congratulations to both the vendor and the purchaser.
In 2021, after 30+ years growing the proprietary SPACEGASS application into Australia’s leading structural engineering solution, ITS’s director engaged Johnsons Corporate to conduct an international sales campaign. The objective was to find a strategic acquirer with the capital and resources to open new international markets for the software package.
Using custom research, Johnsons’ direct marketing efforts resulted in 35+ expressions of interest from domestic and overseas parties alike and from both trade and financial investors. After negotiating and securing Offer & Acceptance in a timely manner, Johnsons then worked diligently with our client’s preferred acquirer to bring the cross-border deal to completion prior to the end of the calendar year.